Empty Nest "Our Everyday Lives" > Medical/Health Issues??

Reading Glasses or Contact Lenses

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Younger generations choose contact lenses over reading glasses because they can look more beautiful with the contact lenses. I prefer the reading glasses as my eyes may get damaged with contact lenses with constant contact with the eyeballs.

It's scary to think that I have to put something into my eyes. I'm even scared of those sterile eye drops; I will not use them unless it's really necessary. At my age, appearance isn't that important anymore, so glasses are more than enough. It also seems very simple to just change the lenses when your sight gets worse.

Though I've never worn them before, contact lenses look like they'd make me uncomfortable. I'd rather stick to reading glasses for the time being. Are there any advantages that the contacts have over reading glasses?

I've learned that there are corrective contact lenses wherein the sights will be corrected overnight or so. I'm not sure how it works or how successful these types of contact lenses, but it sounds too good to be true for me. I will have to research more about it and see how many have successfully done this without any side effects.

Well, I just did a bit of research and found out that orthokeratology - the fitting of specially designed glass permeable contact lenses that are worn overnight - reshape the front surface of the cornea while you are sleep, enabling you to see clearly the next morning. This sounds like a workable method.


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