Empty Nest Moms

Empty Nest Moms AND Dads! => Empty Nest.."What's Next" for you?? => Topic started by: Shirley1965 on April 29, 2019, 09:05:04 AM

Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: Shirley1965 on April 29, 2019, 09:05:04 AM
Hi everyone, just checking back in here on this topic and wondering how you all are doing? Did the husband retire and how are you coping with it? :039: Have any new suggestions for others that might just be having a hubby that is retiring soon? We're still managing to cope ok since my husband retired so it is possible to enjoy it all (with a little work sometimes!)

Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying yourself (and hubby isn't getting under foot!) :)
Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: Jeanine on April 29, 2019, 02:58:40 PM
Thanks for stopping back in Shirley! Always nice to hear from members, new or old. Yes, it would be interesting to see how some of you have been doing since  your hubby retired. Have you developed a new routine? Is he getting bored or has he managed to take up some new hobbies so he doesn't have so much time on his hands?

Curious minds like to know! ;)
Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: EnjoyingLife on May 02, 2019, 07:02:19 AM
We both retired a few years ago and are doing great! Ok, now we are, it did take some adjusting so we weren't bumping into each other all the time. :) He has his hobbies and I have mine and thankfully there are a lot of things we like to do together. So all in all it is working out ok for us.  :13:
Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: Jeanine on May 02, 2019, 08:48:52 AM
Hi EnjoyingLife, thanks for popping in and catching us up. Glad you are doing well.
Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: Elizabeth on May 02, 2019, 02:05:52 PM
I'm looking forward to taking early retirement next year! Hubby plans on working a few more years so will face that part when it comes! :) I'm still interested in hearing how others have been doing (just for good measure) :)
Title: Re: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: Vanessa on May 05, 2019, 02:01:55 PM
My husband is going to retire in 2 years and even though this is the second year of our daughter being away, we're barely getting adjusted, so as soon as we finally learn to live one way, it's changing again. I think it will be harder for him because he might get bored, but after a few more years I will retire too and then I think we'll enjoy our time together, and this period has been tough to get through even with work.
Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: txzookeeper on July 21, 2019, 03:15:28 PM
Retirement hasn't been easy.  My husband was supposed to retire about a third of the way into this year.  Then last November or December I heard him on the phone with Social Security telling them his retirement date was January 1st.  When he got off the phone, I asked what the heck?  He said he thought he'd told me.  So I only had a very short time to get used to him retiring earlier than expected.  I was worried about us having no income until after the middle of the year when he would start getting Social Security (it was fine though).  The worst part is never having the house to myself.  He almost NEVER leaves.  I was home alone 95% of the time before this.  It's a hard adjustment.  He has no hobbies (I've tried to interest him in all kinds of things) and no friends, so the only thing he does is sit on the couch on his iPad or sit at his computer until evening when he sits in front of the tv.  I have made him start walking the dog during the week.  He does that while I go exercise with friends.  At least that makes him have to get up and move.  I don't know how he can be happy doing nothing except irritating me!  As you can tell, we're still in the adjustment period.   :))
Title: Re: Husband might be retiring.....continued!
Post by: EllieM on September 19, 2019, 03:51:51 AM
Husband and I are also retired but it is difficult because we have so much more time together, but at the same time we spend less time together. We have different hobbies and interests, so we spend most of our time just focusing on that instead of spending the time off we have outside of work together.