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1 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by Jeanine
in Important info for new (...
on June 23, 2017, 07:34:30 AM
Just click on the title above and it will take you to the Empty Nest Moms 'new' website where you will be able to check out the whole site!
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Click on the title and you will be able to read real stories from other moms on how they are or have dealt with their empty nest. (there are several pages so be sure to check them all out!)
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You'll find some very interesting articles dealing with 'empty nest' that are a good read.
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Here you can read how many of our past and present members are doing now!
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All your shopping in one place! Be sure to look out for sales too. Just click the title and you are on way to do all your shopping from home! :)
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Looking for a book dealing with Empty Nest? Maybe you just want a good book to read or something for your Kindle? Just click the title to check out the new bookstore. Several categories to choose from also!
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Contact Admin
Check inside to contact Admin (Jeanine) for any questions you might have.
1 Posts
1 Topics
Last post by Jeanine
in Contact Info
on July 11, 2015, 07:31:38 PM
We now have a new redesigned Newsletter! Be sure to sign up while you are here so you don't miss out on what's going on! :) Just click on the title to go right there!
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Do you like to fish? Want to see some of our beautiful scenery along the Withlacoochee River and Gulf area? Check out his website (and FB page) for info. You can check out the Gallery for Local Scenery, Fishing and Family pics and more! We're located in the central west coast of Florida.
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Senior Information
You will find a lot of useful information for Seniors on this page of the website. If you are a Senior yourself or have a senior relative, then be sure to check it all out!
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This is where I will make any 'special' announcements and to let you know whenever a new topic or new en story, article or update has been added. You can also make suggestions on new things you would like to see on the boards or website........:)
35 Posts
7 Topics
Last post by Jeanine
in Dorian !
on September 01, 2019, 02:51:39 PM
Are you missing "Your" Parents?
This topic is for those now 'empty nesters' who are missing their own parents. We've had a lot mentioned how they now have come to realize how it must have been for them when they left home. Even if your are fortunate enough to still have one or both of yours still with you, please feel free to discuss your childhood and some of the memories you have of you and your parents (even grandparents or other close relatives) as you were growing up. We'd love to hear them.
89 Posts
17 Topics
Last post by Bandeodell
in Re: Birthdays are the ha...
on June 05, 2021, 03:00:31 AM
A "Different" kind of Empty Nest
Sometimes our nest empties for different reasons, maybe we have 'disconnected from one of our kids....sometimes estrangement could be the cause and even worse, we could have lost one of our children to death. If any of these or other reasons have happened to you, please feel free to talk about it here. There may be others out there going through the same as you.
156 Posts
19 Topics
Last post by FeelingBetter
in Re: How do you stay in t...
on October 05, 2019, 05:07:23 PM
Our Empty Nest
Maybe you are still struggling with yours? Still feeling your way around this new phase in life. Thinking about how things 'were'. Share some of your thoughts here with us.
1055 Posts
156 Topics
Last post by Elizabeth
in Re: broke down while i w...
on June 17, 2020, 05:08:28 PM
Empty Nest.."What's Next" for you??
Trying to figure out where you go from here now that your nest has emptied or starting to empty? This could be a good place to start! Let's kick some ideas around and get some good conversations going. Life isn't over now that the kids are starting to 'move on'. Let's Talk!
875 Posts
93 Topics
Last post by Elizabeth
in Re: Dealing with Empty N...
on October 07, 2019, 04:58:18 PM
Our Empty Nest Marriage
I had this topic on the old board and it was a good one. Need to 'talk' about yours? Maybe just let us know how you are still getting along after the kids have moved out. Wondering how to keep the 'romance going or maybe you both just decided to go your own way? This is the place for those conversations and remember we don't 'judge' we just support. (Please be advised that we are NOT marriage counselors Content found here is for Informational Purposes Only)
598 Posts
81 Topics
Last post by dgkramer
in Getting the Romance Back
on June 20, 2020, 01:44:25 AM
Staying Healthy As We Age!
Sometimes as we age we need to change our 'diets' and 'exercise' habits to keep healthy and in shape. Why not share some of what you are now doing to keep yourself healthy? Any new diets or exercise routines? Some great healthy recipes would be great too! All info here is for Informational Purposes Only and not intended as medical advice!
763 Posts
134 Topics
Last post by Elizabeth
in Corvid-19!!
on June 17, 2020, 04:59:37 PM
Child Boards: Menopause!
Empty Nest and being Single (again)
Same topic different 'title'! Are you finding yourself single and starting all over again after your 'Nest' emptied? (Maybe 'Divorced'? 'Widowed'?)Would you like to talk to other single empty nesters about how they are going about the 'dating' scene again or just getting on with their life alone? This could be the place for you!
262 Posts
33 Topics
Last post by MomDeb
in Re: Blind Date
on October 06, 2019, 02:16:35 AM
Because sometimes we just need to! (please keep this clean and respectful or it will possibly be deleted) Thank You
610 Posts
98 Topics
Last post by MomDeb
in Re: How important is Int...
on September 22, 2019, 01:31:48 AM
The Grieving Room
This is for any of you members who may have lost a loved one, either recent or in the past. Please feel free to come here to 'talk'. We all care and are here for each other no matter what life throws at you.
Moderator: Jeanine
474 Posts
77 Topics
Last post by Elise
in Re: When you feel powerl...
on September 01, 2019, 07:55:26 AM
Your Life After the Nest has Emptied: How is it?
We would all love to hear how your life is going now that your Nest is empty (or close to it?) Are you still struggling? Beginning to enjoy it? Slowly getting there? Please feel free to share, I'm sure a lot of us would like to know! We might even pick up some tips on how to handle our life now as we know it! (very different without kids around all the time!)
185 Posts
35 Topics
Last post by Karen1
in Empty nester in the time...
on September 24, 2020, 05:27:35 PM
Medical/Health Issues??
You can talk about them here...who knows there may be others having the same issues and sometimes it helps just to 'talk' to others.
Please see your doctor for any medical issues you may have, this topic is open for discussion only and not meant to give medical advice.
93 Posts
15 Topics
Last post by Elizabeth
in Re: Learning how to cont...
on October 07, 2019, 04:53:22 PM
Every Day Conversations
For those everyday things that go on in our lives. Did you have something 'special' happen today? Got some big plans coming up? Just have something on your mind you want to share? Then this is the place.
1865 Posts
371 Topics
Last post by MaryB
in Hello June 2021
on June 05, 2021, 08:48:25 AM
Some "Fun" things to do....
Since a lot of us now have some extra time on our hands what are some 'fun' things you like to do? Crafting? Reading? Camping? Any other special Hobbies you would like to share? We may just have some members looking for new ideas to spend their time doing.
540 Posts
125 Topics
Last post by MomDeb
in Re: Which herbs should I...
on October 04, 2019, 09:11:29 AM
Child Boards: Reading and Movies! , Gardening! , Remembering When
Being a "Senior" Empty Nester! How does it feel?
Has your nest been empty for a lot of years? Are you really enjoying your Senior Years? Are you retired or maybe started a new career after the last of the kids got settled on their own? Why not share how you've been handling these years? We'd love to hear from you!
80 Posts
15 Topics
Last post by MomDeb
in Re: Being Someone's Medi...
on October 06, 2019, 02:24:34 AM
Our "Later Years"...What we've learned as we've aged
Although we may not 'all' be considered a "Senior" yet, we are getting older and most of us have learned a lot over the years. What are some of the things you've learned from "Life" as you've gotten older?
292 Posts
50 Topics
Last post by MaryB
in Re: Learn to accept
on June 05, 2021, 09:11:08 AM
Taking care of our Elderly Parent(s)
Are you one of those Empty Nesters that are now needing to take care of an Elderly parent or other relative? Please share your story with us. You can also make comments to possibly give others some support on things you can do to help both yourself and your parent(s).
290 Posts
56 Topics
Last post by littleone
in Re: Treating your parent...
on July 11, 2019, 12:17:29 PM
Child Boards: Assistant Living or Home Care
Do you have some? What do you like to do with your grandchildren? Have a cute story to tell? Let us hear from you!
256 Posts
55 Topics
Last post by MomDeb
in I Think I Started a Bit ...
on September 28, 2019, 02:21:06 AM
Our Pets!
This is the place to tell us about your pets! Favorite Story? Fond memory of a pet? Do you have a Special Needs Pet? Cute Pic to share? Are you one that takes care of strays? How many pets have you adopted from a shelter? Maybe you just have some questions to ask. Let us hear from you!
376 Posts
63 Topics
Last post by Elise
in Re: What Breed of Dog Sh...
on October 06, 2019, 09:18:11 AM
Our "Precious" Pets who have passed on
We love our pets but know that they can't be with us all of 'our' lives so we enjoy them why we have them. If you want to share a memory of your precious pet who has passed on, please feel free to do so. It's good to share some of those fond memories. (You can also add a picture)
52 Posts
7 Topics
Last post by noodle
in Re: Bury, Cremate, or Pr...
on June 22, 2019, 11:36:34 AM