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Author Topic: Learning how to control your mind  (Read 3871 times)

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Learning how to control your mind
« on: September 27, 2019, 02:36:03 AM »
How easy is it for you to think over what you could have done differently in the past? I tend to get anxious over an upcoming event, even when I have a minimal role. Over time, I have learned to let go, and besides making me less apprehensive, I have also become more composed and gained control of myself. How has it been for you?

Offline SadMommy

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Re: Learning how to control your mind
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2019, 12:53:32 PM »
What techniques have you utilized to learn to let go or be less anxious?

I've found myself more anxious again lately. I feel like if I'm more continuously doing things, it's easier for me.  But with my kids leaving and my hours at work getting seriously cut, I'm worse than ever. 

Offline Elizabeth

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Re: Learning how to control your mind
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2019, 04:53:22 PM »
I can remember when I first started going through this 'empty nest', it was hard. Both our kids are fully grown now and have been on their own for quite some time. Can't really say that I don't still get those little 'tweens' now and then in my 'gut' but thing that is just natural and wondering how the time has gone by so fast!

I had to make myself keep really busy most of the time and started many new projects just for that reason. I think that was my 'technique' in getting through it all. Keeping busy, taking a deep breath now and then and knowing that it will all work out in the long run and just get use to this totally new phase of our lives.

Hang in there SadMommy. Just keep working through those days, maybe have something new planned to take your mind in other directions.

 :grouphugsign: :big hug smiley sign:


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