Empty Nest Moms AND Dads! > Our Empty Nest Marriage

Get myself a new partner?


I’m divorced and I don’t usually stay in touch with my ex-husband unless necessary. But sometimes when I see some old couples on the street, I’m pretty jealous, which make me wonder if I should also get myself more social and perhaps find a new partner. But I’m rather scared to be honest, after an unsuccessful marriage.

Does he reach out to you more often than you do? It wouldn't hurt to get more social because, in this way, you will come across interesting people. Don't rule out a relationship yet but don't have it at the back of your mind when meeting new acquaintances.

The truth is that we long to be in the company of great people, and the best way to do so is getting yourself into the social scene. I agree with girlchild34 that the best approach would be to seek meaningful friendships first.


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