Empty Nest "Our Everyday Lives" > Some "Fun" things to do....
Finding inspiration from Instagram
As much as I enjoy reading, it hasn't been easy to spare time during my busy schedule. I came across an Instagram user who said that she'd read all of Paul Coelho's books. She is always buying this and that book, besides running a blog. I have decided to borrow a leaf or two, henceforth!
I also find joy in reading, but at times, it becomes hard to keep that momentum going. I tried joining a book club and eventually quit because it was too demanding. Over time, I have realized that we all have different preferences when it comes to the kind of books we read. I am glad you found inspiration on social media.
--- Quote from: girlchild34 on August 20, 2019, 02:33:30 AM ---I also find joy in reading, but at times, it becomes hard to keep that momentum going. I tried joining a book club and eventually quit because it was too demanding. Over time, I have realized that we all have different preferences when it comes to the kind of books we read. I am glad you found inspiration on social media.
--- End quote ---
Yes, girlchild34, keeping that momentum isn't a walk in the park, and at times, all that's required is a stubborn persistence. On the other hand, it helps to choose an activity that brings absolute joy to a person because we all love taking part in/doing different activities.
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