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Tips for a successful fitness regime


For me, it is important to exercise daily and eat the right foods and appropriate portions. It doesn't have to be running or jogging daily, but at least some moderate physical activity. I also try to reduce my sugar intake and instead, include a lot of fruits and vegetables, in my diet.

A friend once mentioned that fitness is 90% diet and 10% exercise. No one can achieve any milestones without watching what they eat. For me, the hardest part is in being consistent with whatever fitness and dieting regime I settle on.


--- Quote from: adelyn on August 19, 2019, 02:33:49 PM ---A friend once mentioned that fitness is 90% diet and 10% exercise. No one can achieve any milestones without watching what they eat. For me, the hardest part is in being consistent with whatever fitness and dieting regime I settle on.

--- End quote ---

Interesting as I heard of something the other way round. Of course what you eat is super important, which is indisputable. But the output of calories plays a more significant role when it comes to fitness. At least that’s what I heard. Though for me I think both are important and we should pay attention to both.

I have never had issues with selecting my portions and choosing what to eat. The biggest challenge has been in remaining consistent with a fitness regime. I think that discipline and dedication go hand-in-hand here.


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