Empty Nest Moms AND Dads! > Our Empty Nest Marriage

Renewing Vows


Do you have experience with renewing wedding vows, from having your own ceremony or from attending one? I hear about them through celebrity news, more than in normal everyday life.

I only know one couple in real life who has done that, and they did it after a rocky time in their relationship and then rekindled their love, which I think was beautiful. But other than them I have not heard of people doing it.

I have heard of people renewing their vows, though it isn't something I have witnessed any of my friends do. Are you interested in going down this path? A renewal of vows after a tumultuous relationship is a great way to show a commitment to each other.

I've heard of couples renewing their vows, but I haven't done it myself. It sounds like a really sweet and romantic thing to do. I'm sure that like with weddings, the ceremonies can be small or very large. Are you thinking of renewing your vows?


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