PETS! > Our Pets!

The unusual pets


We met up with my wife's friend recently, and she brought a hedgehog! I've heard that it's also possible to keep Fennec foxes at home. Have you ever wanted to get the more unusual animals as pets?

LoL, about as unusual as we got was a lizard! One of the kids found it and believe it or not managed to keep it for almost a year. I was surprised it made it that long.

I did have a friend that had a fox squirrel for a pet. They found it injured and made a really big cage for it to live in so it would be as comfortable as possible since it wouldn't make it on it's own. They had it for several years...(I thought it was a mean one too!) :rofl:

I love cats and dogs, but I'm a little squeemish when it comes to reptiles. My son really loves reptiles, though. So, we've had lizards as pets. I think it helped teach him how to be responsible for another living being. I helped him clean the cage and feed them when he was young. It wasn't my favorite chore, but I'm glad that I gave in and let him have lizards.

Wow, that is an unusual pet. Were you scared stiff? I have never thought about any pets apart from cats and dogs plus reptiles do scare me a little.


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