Empty Nest Moms AND Dads! > The Grieving Room

Death won't ask for permission


I went with my aunt for a check at a local ER a while ago and we saw a young man passed away there. He looked so young. The family had a very hard time accepting his death. I remember my first child who was a stillborn and the beautiful daughter I have right now. I feel so sorry and worried for them. Parents want nothing but a happy long life for their children. It hurts so bad when you fail to do that.

I will be praying for all of you who have a similar experience.

I'm so sorry that you went through that. I cannot even begin to imagine. I'm also very sorry for that family. It's just not how things are supposed to go. It's incredibly tragic how many young people have to leave their families behind. My prayers are with all of you also!

Thank you very much, MagicMindy. Some days it's very hard to accept that things can take such a sudden turn. It's hard to stop asking 'why' and it takes forever to be truly at peace. Even when I say that I'm okay about it, somewhere inside of me I still feel like in denial. Life is a mystery like that. Some things are just not meant to be. Death won't give us any warning.

It can be very challenging to accept things that life throws at us. My husband has always been big about asking "why" about everything. I think it's draining, especially because you rarely find the answer you're looking for. Sadly, we just have to accept things as they are sometimes...of course, this is easier to do after you've allowed yourself to grieve!

To watch my 29 year old son pass away was the hardest thing I have ever done.  Parents should never outlive their children. Time heals but it never completely heals.  The grief is always there and the memories come flooding back at the most inopportune times.  My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child.  It's just not supposed to be this way. 


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